Contact us


1- Are online classes offered through you or do you have a local headquarters where the classes are given?

 Classes are given by arrangement between the teacher and the student or guardian only, and we do not interfere in how the class is given.

2- Who communicates with the teacher (the student or the site administration)?

Basically, when a student or parent searches for the right teacher for him from the options that appear to him; He communicates directly with the teacher and we do not interfere in how the class is given (in terms of price or the mechanism of giving the class: online or in person). Unless the student or family does not find the right teacher for them, we offer them a free service by contacting us and we provide them with the teacher.

3- How will I benefit from your position as a teacher?

Our site offers many advantages, including: ease of obtaining students (as it brings together the teacher and the student in one place), publishing your sales as a teacher on our site and selling them, benefiting from the educational jobs that are published, benefiting from important sites and tools for teachers, and also attending the free courses offered. Through our website on various topics of interest to teachers.

4- Does the teacher receive a salary from you or only from classes?

We do not have a contract with the teacher, each teacher sets his own price for his classes when the student contacts him.

5- Is it possible to give lectures to university students?

 We will work on that, God willing.

6- What do we benefit as parents?

 You can choose the teacher close to your home and suitable for you, and we also publish sites that benefit students in their educational journey.

7- Can a sociology graduate register?

 Of course, any teacher from any specialty can register on the Nerd website.

8- Does the site provide an experience certificate?

 We will work on that, God willing.

9- How is payment made?

 In order between the teacher and the students.

10- Can the teacher himself determine the price of his class?

 Yes, the teacher has the freedom to do so, and it does not entail anything.

11- Can I give training courses?

 Yes, sure. You can contact us to determine the details and dates of the courses.

12- Can other nationalities register? For example, I am Egyptian, can I register?

 Yes, any teacher from any country who can teach Jordanian curricula can register on the Nerd website.

13- Do you have a company headquarters? What is her name? Is it private or government?

 Yes, we have a private company called “H & Z for Smart Solutions and Technology”.

14- Can vocational education teachers register?

 Of course, any teacher from any specialty can register on the Nerd website.

15- Can trainers register on the site?

 We are working on that, God willing.

16- Are there teaching methods that I can benefit from?

 We will work on that, God willing. Currently, we publish sites that benefit teachers and students in their educational journey on our social media sites.

17- Can the worksheets and notebooks be downloaded in any format and who can buy them?

 Yes, it is possible. It can be purchased by any student and possibly educational institutions.

18- How much is the subscription?

 Registration on the site is free.

19- I am a government employee. Is it possible for them to withdraw my job from me if I register on the site?

 Nerd website aims to benefit teachers and empower their creativity. There are many teachers who practice more than one profession and there is nothing wrong with that.

20- Is the site considered as private education?

 Yes, the site is dedicated to educational services.

21- Is it available for Islamic education teachers, and can I register my colleagues?

 Of course, any teacher from any specialty can register on the Nerd website.

22- Can I just post my sales and explanations, because I don't have time for private teaching?

 Yes, you can.

23- Can my husband register on the site?

 Any teacher, male or female, can register on the Nerd website.

24- Can sports teachers register?

 Of course, any teacher from any specialty can register on the Nerd website.

25- If a circumstance arises and I do not want to continue on the site, will I have to pay anything?

 You are not responsible for anything.

26- What will you benefit?

 Our first goal is to benefit the teacher and facilitate the teacher’s achievement of his goals.

27- Is the site really free?

 Yes, the site is 100% free and 100% profitable for the teacher.

We are partners in giving, not in profit.

28- What is the cost of registering for the courses and clubs that you offer? What is the registration method?

 The cost is free for all courses and clubs that we offer..

Registration is done by registering on our website for free and sending a screenshot from the account on the website to the number +962781258238.

29- Are the summer club and Islamic club free?

 Yes, 100% free

30- Can I register my children for the summer club from outside Jordan?

 Yes, the summer club will be online via the Zoom platform.

31- Can I join the summer club from outside Jordan?

 Yes, of course. Registration is available in all countries of the world

32- Can I join the Islamic Club from outside Jordan?

 Yes, of course. Registration is available in all countries of the world

33- What is the cost of a teacher diploma?

 100% free

34- How can I join the free professional programming course for children?

 It is one of the free summer club activities..

It begins on Saturday 6/29 at 11 a.m. for six consecutive weeks, every Saturday.